MeetUp – You Know, Where Folks MeetUp

MeetUp – You Know, Where Folks MeetUp

Tonight, my guy and me are going to a “Crab Legs and Wine” MeetUp hosted by the Northern New Jersey Wine MeetUp Group. How fun is that!?

For those of you not familiar with MeetUp, it’s a website you can access to find groups of folks with the same type of interests you do. Those groups ‘meet up’ every so often and it’s a great opportunity to get introduced to others in ones regional vicinity. There are singles and couples, so attendees don’t feel like they must bring a guest to fit in.

For us, having relocated to the NJ/NY metro area where we knew no one, it was a great way to make new friends and go out socially as a group. I belong to several MeetUp groups focused on food and wine (surprised, right?!).

Check the site up for groups in your area:

