There’s Nothing to Eat in this House – Maple Sugar Candy

There’s Nothing to Eat in this House – Maple Sugar Candy

Maple Sugar Candy

Maple Sugar Candy

This ‘recipe’ goes into my ‘There’s Nothing to Eat in this House’ sweet treats archive since my guy was in the mood for a sweet treat last night and I didn’t have some of the ingredients required for proper baking on hand.  Don’t shy away from trying this candy if you don’t have a cookie cutter to use as most of the time, when I make it, the softened candy doesn’t make it out of the saucepan!


  • 1/2 cup maple syrup


  1. Pour syrup into a small saucepan over high heat.  Bring to a boil and cook until the syrup forms small bubbles and appears foamy, about 4 minutes.
  2. Remove from the heat and let cool for 2 minutes over a trivet or potholder.  Using a wooden spoon, stir constantly until the syrup thickens to a pale tan, but spreadable consistency (think Nutella consistency) – about 15 minutes.  Don’t stir past this consistency or you’ll not be able to mold the candy (which is okay if you’re not trying to make the candy look cute – what I do 90% of the time).
  3. Coat any medium-sized cookie cutter with cooking spray, then spoon the maple mixture into it.  Use spoon and fingertips to get the mixture completely into the mold, then smooth the top.
  4. Let cool for 30 minutes and unmold.  Enjoy by breaking small pieces.

Makes one candy.

Notes:  I know that when you’re stirring the syrup, before it begins to cool, it seems like the mixture will never turn to the buttery, creamy mixture from the photos, but it absolutely will.  If you cook the syrup too long for the type of saucepan you have, the mixture will harden quickly and you’ll have to enjoy the candy by breaking into small bites – which is completely okay!