5 Traditional Quebec Recipes to Celebrate Saint Jean Baptiste

5 Traditional Quebec Recipes to Celebrate Saint Jean Baptiste

flag_quebecToday is Quebec Independence Day (also known as Saint Jean Baptiste) and all my friends and family ‘up north’ will be celebrating with fireworks, food and adult libations. Here are 5 traditional Quebec dishes to get everyone in the mood for a very happy holiday.

Bonne Saint Jean a tous!


Sweet Treat for the Non Baker

Sweet Treat for the Non Baker

By now, you’ve seen me post recipes that might appear odd by normal standards (Oeufs Dans le Sirop D’Erable anyone?) but that I enjoyed eating growing up.  I’ve mentioned in previous posts that my mom is a great savory foods cook but isn’t passionate about baking, so when my sister and me asked for dessert, mom would occasionally fix us an “Open Faced Brown Sugar Sandwich”.  Yes, it only took a minute to prepare this special treat, but boy did we love it.  Here’s how it goes:

  1. Take a slice of fresh white bread and butter it very lightly.
  2. Sprinkle about a tablespoon of brown sugar over the buttered slice of bread.
  3. Pour ¼ heavy cream over the sugared bread.  Let the cream saturate the bread for about a minute, then eat the treat with a knife and fork.

Crazy, ehn?  Thoughts?